Saturday, April 12, 2008

How Not to be a Popular Presidential Candidate

Listening to: Ahhhhh. Quiet.
Mood: Calm

I'll give you a hint - your first step is becoming Barak Obama.

So I was watching Jon Stewart the other night and had a good laugh about Barak Obama. Well, not specifically about him, but about the brouhaha that arose from something he did. Now I’ve blogged on Obama before and his choice to not wear a flag pin, but this just set the bar lower for the idiocy that is syndicated news. It seems now that not only do you HAVE to wear a flag pin to be a good president, you also have to…….wait for it, wait for it…………be fantastic at bowling!! That’s right boys and girls. If you do not know how to bowl, or are just horrible at it, you will not be a good president of these here United States.

Now I really like Barak Obama as a candidate. I will come on the record as endorsing him. (as if anyone cared….) He has an honest, hardworking air about him that I think would come as a breath of fresh air to this country. He has handled the race issue beautifully, especially after the sermon issue with the pastor that arose recently. It was SO heartening to see a candidate look an issue in the face and speak to the American public as adults and challenge them to raise their own standards of judgment and behavior. I loved it.

When are we (as in the media) going to focus on what’s really important? Are you really that hard up for news that you have to make fun of someone for their bowling score? This is not local news!! Are your priorities and perception of leadership really so screwed up that you consider bowling something to report on? Perhaps if it was just a passing reference to Barak trying to reach the blue collar audience and that he went bowling I wouldn’t be so incredulous.

*Sigh*. They should make leadership classes mandatory in high school. I understand that not everyone wants to or can be a leader, but we should have the common sense as adults to recognize the traits that make a good leader. Perhaps then more people would be calling this baloney what it is.


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