Monday, April 28, 2008


I have a beef. I have been noticing a lot of people who have either been indifferent or downright unsupportive of the US army and navy and their branches. This bothers me on multiple levels. I understand if people don’t support the war, the generals directing the army, or the executive asshats that be. I don’t support any of these people or their agendas either. Yet this has nothing to do with supporting the individual soldiers. Like it or not, the army is here to stay and performs a very important function for this country. Most soldiers follow orders. It’s their job. They don’t question (out loud) the integrity or ethics of war. They do what they feel they must to keep this country safe and guard our sovereignty. Think about it. What if we did not have an army or were stuck with a disorganized, inefficient one and Canada or Mexico started getting a sneaky look in their eye. We’d be colonized before we could all pickup sticks and wave them at Canada to try to scare them off. We’ve already proven that we can’t keep anyone south of the border out, invading or not.

So let’s give a little respect. Since the vast majority of us are not willing to take up arms to defend the country, nonetheless fight unnecessary wars, we should really give some respect to those who have hear the calling to.


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